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By Sophy Hallam manager at Harland Works

Repair cafe #1 results!

Well we had a blast on our first repair cafe. The volunteer fixers were awesome 🌟 and big thanks are due to them. So thanks to:

Helen for running the welcome desk so well and Margaret for coming along to lend us her expertise in how to run repair cafes. Margaret has just come back from an international gathering of Repair Cafe people in Brussels so is a wealth of useful information. 👏🏻

Our fixers were: Sally, Rhiannon, Steve, Samir, Bob 1 and Bob 2, Johnny, Peter and Guy 👏🏻

In terms of our results, we had things fixed on the spot - curtains hemmed, jammed printer repaired, rucksack repaired, zip mended, broken wooden chair fixed, glasses adjusted, an electronic hand sanitizer dispenser fixed

And we had things where a faulty part was identified so the owner could order the part, and bring it back next time to get it repaired - so a dead phone could be repaired with a new part for £33, and the same for a faulty electric drill and a dualit toaster,

And we had a few things where the fixers explored options but the thing proved, sadly, not to be fixable. But those were in the minority this time fortunately.

We’ve been pointed at a tool which will help us work out the carbon emissions savings for these fixes, so we will explore this but if you’d like to come along our next Repair Cafe is the 6 November, 11 til 2 pm. Hope to see you there!

PS we need someone to replace Sally and her sewing machine for the next cafe, so if you know of someone who’d be happy to stand in for one cafe, please tell them we’d love to hear from them! Thanks 🌟

RepairSophy Hallam