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Tickets for Events at Harland Works

Digital marketing for local businesses. Ticket to Workshops 1-4 inclusive!

Digital marketing for local businesses. Ticket to Workshops 1-4 inclusive!


Treat yourself to a crash course in digital marketing for your local business. Come to all 4 workshops to get a really good plan in place - and leave knowing how to harness digital marketing so it works for your business, and doesn’t cost the earth!

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This ticket includes all 4 workshops in our series of introductory workshops from for local businesses on how to get more customers for your real, ‘bricks and mortar’ business by being more visible online.


  • What: a series of 4 introductory workshops for local businesses on how to get more customers by being more visible online

  • When: Monday mornings, 10 am to 12 noon, 22nd, 29th of April & 6th and 13th May. Co-working lunch served at 12.30.

  • Where: at Harland Works, 70 John Street, Sheffield S2 4QU

  • How much: £40 each workshop, including co-working lunch to share after the workshop, or £140 for a pass to all 4 workshops

  • Why: to learn simple strategies to attract more new customers to your bricks-and-mortar businesses by becoming more visible online

  • Booking: book tickets here


Tools like google, facebook, instagram and tiktok are helping many businesses find new customers but ‘real’ bricks and mortar local businesses sometimes feel a bit behind the curve in knowing how to use these tools for their businesses. 

If you would like some help to make your local business easier for your customers to find online, then these 4 workshops are for you!

Either choose the workshop that interests you most, or alternatively, do a crash course and come along to all of them.

If you buy a pass to all 4 workshops not only do you get a discount, but we’re also offering a free BONUS  1 to 1 session with an expert. You can use this session any way you like … but one idea would be to use it to create an online marketing plan to help you put all you’ve learnt into action and see results sooner.

Are these workshops for you?

Still not sure if these workshops are for you? Here are some questions to help you figure it out.

Q Are you getting new customers to your local business because they’ve found you online?
Q As a local business owner, is google your friend, making it easy for new customers to find you?
Q Do you share info in social posts that your customers enjoy, or find useful, so that they are reminded about your business and what you can do for them?
Q Have you figured out how to use ads to beat the algorithm and get your content to more audience than the 1 in 10 who might see your social posts? 
Q Does your website come up on page 1 of google if people search on a relevant questions in your area?

If you’d like some help figuring out how to do better in any - or all - of these areas, these workshops could help.

Local businesses are often new to promoting themselves online

Although online businesses have grown up with all the digital resources at their finger tips, many local businesses are older than  facebook and google. They’ve been successful for many years with other ways of bringing in customers - things like, being really good at what they do, local word of mouth recommendations, and repeat business.  On the basis that “If it isn’t broken - don’t fix it” many haven’t changed their approach to marketing since they started.   But for some, things feel like they are changing. Some local business owners worry that  they  might be missing out by not making better use of all these new tools to market their business. 

If you are a thinking that this is all new for you, you are not alone. You may have been in business for a while and always done ok by getting new customers through your excellent reputation, word of mouth and being good at what you do. You may be confident that your existing customers love what you do …. but outside of that, things feel like they are changing. Word of mouth doesn’t seem to work as well as it did. You think this might be because  more people are shopping online.… and you think some of your competitors look more impressive online that you do. You think its possible you are losing potential new customers to other businesses because of this. 

You’re thinking you might need to do some work to help people find you online as well - to help you find ways to stand out for your customers - and bring more of them to your shop, studio, cafe, workshop, office or practice.

The workshops are all designed to be ok if you are a beginner - but also helpful if you want to work out how to improve results for what you are already doing.  

Workshop 1: Learn how to turn google into your No 1 Salesperson 🙂 BOOK

In this workshop we’ll be looking at how you can show use Google My Business and Google Ads to show up as the No 1 Baker in your area (as an example). Google is a very powerful tool for local businesses - how can you get it to work for you as your top sales person?

Workshop 2: Learn how to make simple online ads for local people - and get them to come to you! BOOK

Did you know you can target an ad to people just in your area? Or that you can show an ad to people who have already shown their interest and visited your website? Or people who watched more than 50% of a video you’ve shared? Or create a look-a-like audience to help you find more people like your favourite customers? There’s so much to discover about digital ads, and how to use them so they bring new customers to your door… don’t be one of those local business owners who are too fearful even to dip their toe in the world of digital ads. Instead, learn how these amazing tools can help bring you lovely new customers.

Workshop 3: Search Engine Optimisation - the no money down way to rank as THE go-to expert in your area BOOK

SEO is one digital marketing technique that does not cost money …. but it does require a bit of time, and knowledge on how to do it. If you can spend 30 mins on it every now and again, you can make sure that your website gets found when your potential new customers are searching for places to go/shop. Once you know how to  do it, you’ll always have that knowledge … come and learn a really key digital marketing skill in this workshop.

Workshop 4: Build your influence via social media using free (ie organic) posts BOOK

Most businesses are using social media -  but many don’t feel they get results for the time they put into it. If you are spending time posting, do you have a plan for what you’re aiming to do?

It’s widely known that the reach for free (organic) posts is very low and means few people may actually see those posts you’ve put so much effort into. BUT even if they may not reach many new people, the quality of your posts can help build your influence. People will check you out by looking at what you share - if your posts show your knowledge / expertise / or other key reasons why they should buy from you, they will help you build your influence with people thinking about buying.

If you struggle to find content to post, or find social media leaves you feeling guilty because you know you should be doing more but don’t enjoy the process, come along to this workshop to get a bit of support and inspiration. Create a plan which helps you focus on what works, so you get more results for the time you put into social.

BUT … doesn’t digital marketing cost too much for small local businesses to use?

You can control how much you spend on ads on an app on your phone - from as little as a few £s a day if you want. Other aspects of digital marketing - SEO, Google My Business and Organic Social posts don’t cost money … but they do cost your time. So coming along to a workshop where we can show you how to get it done in less time (and avoid getting stuck) could be a really good idea.

A reminder of our free BONUS offer BOOK

As a reminder If you buy tickets to all 4 workshops at one time you pay £140 instead of £160 AND as a bonus the first 10 people to buy an All Workshop Pass gets an hour of one to one time at the end with one of our team to put it all together in a do-able plan just for your business! 

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 2: Learn how to make simple online ads for local people - and get them to come to you!

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 2: Learn how to make simple online ads for local people - and get them to come to you!

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 4: Build your influence via social media using free (ie organic) posts

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 4: Build your influence via social media using free (ie organic) posts

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 1: Learn how to turn google into your No 1 Salesperson 🙂
Sold Out

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 1: Learn how to turn google into your No 1 Salesperson 🙂

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 3: Search Engine Optimisation - the no money down way to rank as THE go-to expert in your area

Digital marketing for local businesses. Workshop 3: Search Engine Optimisation - the no money down way to rank as THE go-to expert in your area
